St Buryan, Lamorna and Paul Parish Council Job Opportunity

St Buryan, Lamorna and Paul Parish Council Job Opportunity

St Buryan, Lamorna and Paul Parish Council is seeking a Part time Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

30-45 hours per month (flexible to meet the needs of Council & candidate)
Salary in accordance with National Rates SCP24 – SCP28 (£31,099 – £34,723) pro rata – (Pay award Pending)

St Buryan, Lamorna and Paul is seeking a proactive Clerk & RFO who will hold overall responsibility for all aspects of the Council’s service delivery. The successful candidate will have sufficient knowledge, experience, resilience and leadership skills to work effectively with Councillors, colleagues and partners in local government and the community, to deliver the business of the Council while ensuring it’s democratic responsibilities are carried out lawfully and in the best interests of residents.

We are looking for a Clerk who can help us achieve future ambitions whilst also dealing with the day-to-day work involved in meeting the Council’s duties and obligations, including overseeing the maintenance of the playsite, public toilets, cemetery and local footpaths. The Council will provide the necessary office equipment to support the role including IT, printer and phone. The post will be based from home and the council will pay the HMRC working from home allowance in place at the time.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate excellent leadership and management experience and legal knowledge surrounding local council activity, practice and procedures together with the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) qualification (or willingness and ability to obtain this within 12 months).

The closing date for applications is 5pm, Sunday 19th November 2023 and shortlisting will take place shortly afterwards, with interviews being held as soon as possible thereafter. Applications must be submitted electronically; please note that postal applications will not be considered.

For an informal discussion please contact Janet Pascoe, Chair by email

The job description, person specification and application form can be downloaded using the links below:

Job Description

Person Specification


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c/o The Art House

36 Fore Street



TR14 0JX

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